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Resume Web Design

Web Design

I have been doing web design and management in various capacities since 1996, when I first started to play around with HTML. Most of the sites I have done in the past have since either been replaced or have gone away So here is a little archive of some of the sites I have worked on in the past.


I took over the WICB web site in 2001 and did a quick redesign adding in a voting mechanism for viewers to vote for their favorite songs, dj profiles, and an interactive news section that our news department could update on a daily basis.

During the end of the year we aquired a grant to do a professional redesign and add some more features such as a web cam in the studio and a more interactive feel.


I was the webmaster of the ICTV Website during 2001-2002 The Design had been previously done, I managed the updates and worked on getting some of the features I had done for WICB over to the ICTV site.